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Time And Cost Saving Fleet Tracking Solutions

Fleet managers have a serious task at hand when they’re dealing with tracking and managing fleet vehicles, which may be several dozens at once. Even for smaller fleets, the optimization of operations, minimizing time loss, and making cuts in the fuel costs are important.

The transportation industry and related businesses which involve managing fleet vehicles are highly dependent on fuel expenditures and time usage for the success of their enterprise. Thus, you’ll want to find ways to optimize both aspects to get your business to be the best it can be.

We know that GPS tracking solutions can help fleet managers save both time and costs of operation, in this article, we will explore how the technology does so.

Understanding GPS Fleet Tracking

Global positioning system or GPS is a satellite-powered tracking technology that allows a remote observer to keep tabs on the location of any vehicle or object being tracked. The electronic logging device placed in a vehicle will transmit location signals which will travel via the internet and be presented on the screen of the receiver.

High-end GPS fleet tracking solutions allow you to monitor the real-time or live location of the fleet vehicles, while inexpensive solutions update you with the location after fixed time intervals. In either case, you will be better able to monitor the route selection, fuel consumption, and the fleet drivers’ behavior patterns every day.

GPS fleet tracking is based on the internet, thus you can keep tabs on your fleet either from a computer or your mobile phone. Most fleet management software have a broad compatibility with devices and operating systems, thus you can expect them to work on almost all mainstream computing devices and platforms. But be sure to check the compatibility options before finalizing your decision.

How Does GPS Fleet Tracking Help Save Time & Operation Costs?

GPS tracking offers more control to fleet managers, allowing them to optimize every aspect of the operation. Let’s explore the areas where fleet tracking helps business owners save precious time and minimize associated costs:

1.     More Efficient Operations

With GPS fleet tracking, managers can be sure that they’re not putting in any more input than is needed and that there is no wastage of time or resources. Optimization is a very generic term and covers everything between selecting the most appropriate route to prevent fuel wastage on idling.

Every minute saved in this operation is another minute you can invest in making your business better; the same applies in the case of cost reduction. Your goal is to get the same level of work done, perhaps even better, but quicker and without wasting resources.

This, of course, does not mean that you should go cheap. Simply wasting time and money because you’ve got none to be wasted. Employees either don’t care enough or don’t know too well about cost reduction and time-based optimizations, but with constant monitoring, you can help them do both.

Just be courteous and be sure to let everyone know that you’re all working for the same goal: growth – as the business grows, so will the wonderful and highly dedicated workers who made it possible!

2.     Manage Overtimes Better

One of the biggest problems associated with the transportation industry is that they never cease. It may seem like a good thing at first, but there is a catch. With an endless seam of overtime hours logged in by fleet drivers seeking to maximize their profits, you have things to be worried about.

Overtime means that certain assets won’t be available for other projects, some of which may be top priority. Moreover, your vehicles need regular maintenance to work efficiently and not be stopped in their tracks by a technical breakdown – those can be very expensive.

Thus, you will benefit greatly by managing your overtime schedule more effectively and improving your approach to high-priority and urgent tasks such as maintenance.

A fleet tracking software sends detailed information about all connected vehicles, so if you see a need for some maintenance work, you’ll know better than to assign that vehicle on an overtime shift.

You can also ensure that none of your drivers are over-burdened.

3.     Constant Alerts & Notifications Can Help You Refine The Operation

Fleet managers constantly stay in the loop of whatever’s happening with their fleet vehicles through GPS tracking apps. Some advanced video-based telematics systems even allow managers to observe the live footage from the cameras associated with each vehicle. All of this allows managers to better judge the behavioral tendencies of their drivers.

What does the fleet driver’s behavior have to do with saving time and costs? Well, everything. You need to ascertain that no one is idling the vehicle unnecessarily, or driving too aggressively (which can cause accidents), or choosing longer routes. Fleet managers must optimize every aspect of the operation and driving ethics are also a part of this transformation.

With detours, laziness, and unsafe driving practices out of the way, you can expect more efficiency and save lots of time.

If a driver becomes negligent behind the wheel and causes a wreck, your company may also be pulled into the legal mess. The last thing you need amid your efforts to save money however possible are more financial drains. Not only do telematics systems have in-cab alerts to keep the driver completely focused but you too will be able to notice such negligence from your end and communicate with the driver immediately.

The direct communication channel will allow you to eliminate any delays in getting your message across to your employee which will deter such recklessness, to begin with. Fleet tracking and telematics can also help you save your company from false accusations in automobile accident cases.

In most situations, truck drivers are usually considered at fault, however, things can happen the other way around as well. If that is the case, then the footage of your fleet car’s dash-cam or rear-cam will be of much value.

You can also reduce the risk factor by letting go of workers who consistently neglect their duties on the road and have shown little improvement even after you repeatedly made things clear to them.

It is a win-win, however, you look at it!

4.     Better Maintenance Scheduling

Time is money, so when your fleet runs late due to technical issues, you’re losing both time and money. You could be using the time to work on the next project, meeting deadlines, and satisfying clients. Fleet managers are more than aware of the importance of regular maintenance checks.

However, it is not always possible to keep a close eye for the tiniest details. If maintenance problems are not addressed in time, you’ll have to deal with them the hard way. Imagine having one of your fleet vehicles break down in the middle of the road while your client is pacing anxiously at their place, waiting for you to show up.

Not only will you lose clients due to such unnecessary and easily avoidable delays but will also compromise the integrity of your operations. However, modern fleet management tools give managers constant updates about the condition of their fleet vehicles.

The on-board diagnosis is an effective way of preempting any serious maintenance issue thus ensuring that you are always on time, without fail. You can also communicate better with the driver about any impending issues that may spawn from what may be a minor problem at the moment.

Maintenance issues only become more intense as time passes, thus resolving them on time not only saves time but also money. Moreover, you can save time by not worrying about stuff that your telematics system is bound to show you.

5.     Cut Down Management Delays

Delays from the management are a direct blow to the operational excellence of any business setup. Fleet managers must be quick and able to get their message across without delays. Every second counts in this industry, so you’d better be quick if you want to outcompete other companies.

Fleet management systems make things easier in this regard through their simplified interface. All the information you need is on a single screen, so you can forget about delays. A single screen will track all of your drivers and if you feel like you need to intervene at any point, you can do so via direct communication channels.

Is one of your fleet drivers idling, or over-speeding, or driving aggressively, or lost in a maze of roads? You’ll have to communicate with them immediately and guide them straight because apart from the cargo, your business reputation and performance efficiency also rides on your fleet vehicles.

Eliminating the need for written logs, which are easily falsified and can be highly misleading, you can save yourself hours by not having to review the reports and instead use the time to discuss them with your drivers. It will also be much easier for you to file your tax returns with these automated records.

Thus all aspects of the managing part will be simplified by this simple automation.

6.     Ensure Punctuality Via Route Optimization

Route optimization is gaining more and more popularity as time passes. Not only does it help save precious time by allowing you to circumnavigate tough or overly crowded courses, but it also helps you lower the cost of operation.

Traffic is always very unpredictable. One moment it’s fine and the other, it’s like hell has frozen over. Being stuck in such a densely packed traffic jam is not only annoying but also bad for business. Every minute you lose this way is a minute wasted from your day.

Then there’s the extra loss of money due to idling.

In short: traffic jams suck!

But you’ve got other things to worry about too. Your selected route may not be the shortest or the simplest one there is that goes to your destination. We don’t blame you, route optimization is here for a reason. Using sophisticated algorithms and data stream from satellites, your fleet tracking software will help you select the most appropriate course to reach your destination on time.

Thus, with all excuses out of the equation, your fleet business will work more proficiently and be much smoother than before.

Legal Requirements Associated With Fleet Monitoring

Just a word of caution: fleet tracking or any form of GPS tracking does not come without legal requirements. You are required, by the law of every state, to seek the consent of your drivers before tracking their movements.

The consent must be taken in writing or otherwise recorded because if you do so without their permission, you risk legal action against your company.

You should have a healthy discussion with your staff and let them know that you are planning to introduce telematics and GPS tracking in the system to better run things. Discuss with them the benefits of the system such as the prospect of cost savings and conserving time, both of which will help improve the business and everyone associated with it.

This approach will help you get people on board with your plan – bossing your team around is not even half as productive.

Some states also require you to display a sign/label on your fleet vehicles to show that it is being monitored via GPS. This works out well for you too because the sign will be a perfect deterrent to any thief eyeing your possession.

Just be sure to consult a legal rep to know about the laws regarding GPS tracking in your state and then proceed accordingly.

Fleetr Is The Answer

For years now, Fleetr has been serving thousands of businesses aiming to better manage their fleets. We offer flexible and highly personalized subscription offers to all, ensuring that our clients get what they need. There are no boring contracts (who reads them anyway?) or those annoying initiation fees.

Our protocol is simple and straightforward: we track fleets and boost visibility for managers!

With Fleetr, you will enjoy more visibility for your fleet vehicles, be in control of every aspect, and receive real-time input from your fleet. This way, you’ll save time and money by making decisions that matter.

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