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GPS fleet tracking may seem like something from outer space that aliens use to track humans, but it is, in reality, a pretty down-to-earth, humble assortment of hardware and software. Many are deterred by the prospect of having one set up for their fleet, fearing that it may be a bit too excessive.

Not at all, GPS tracking technology is as simple as things get, well, at least from the user’s end, so you’re golden. In this article, we will explain the components of GPS tracking systems, both the equipment and the software, to help you better understand how it works and what you need to get started.

Spoiler alert: you don’t need much equipment to get started with GPS tracking, just a mobile will do (well on your part)!

Here’s What You Need To Get Started With GPS Vehicle Tracking

Let’s blow that out of the planet tech hypothesis out, here’s what a GPS fleet management system (equipment and software) includes:

GPS Tracker Device/Tracking Equipment

The first and foremost piece of equipment in this equation is the tracking device or electronic logging device. GPS trackers are highly sophisticated and accurate location indicating equipment, they transmit wireless signals across the Global Positioning Satellite network and the internet to the user’s end, showing the precise location of all the vehicles and assets at any given instant.

These devices can, of course, do much more than this: they integrate with the onboard diagnosis panel and send constant updates to the managers about the maintenance needs of their vehicles and whether anything deserving of their attention has come to be. The devices also record speed, acceleration, deceleration, and assorted parameters to profile the driving behavior of your workers.

The trackers are usually of two types, both with their merits and limitations.

Hard-wired GPS tracking equipment is the first kind that has to be, as the name suggests, integrated with the system by an expert. Though this kind can take some time and effort (and probably an installation fee) to set up, it is perfectly integrated with the vehicle and offers constant data feed because it can’t be unplugged easily.

In the case of theft, such trackers can become valuable assets.

However, in most situations, fleet owners don’t require hard-wired tracking equipment or may not have the time to get them installed or be able to afford the high fees. In such cases, plug-and-play devices (like the one offered by Fleetr, for free), take the stage. They are preferable because they can be easily installed – just hook them up download the app, and start tracking.

However, they are relatively easier to remove.

Weigh the pros and cons before you go on and make a decision.

Dash Cams & Rear Cams

Cameras are not mandatory equipment for GPS tracking, but some businesses decide to install them nonetheless, sometimes as a standalone component. Video footage is a piece of valuable evidence for not only confronting your drivers about their performance but also for evading false allegations in case of a traffic accident that your driver did not cause.

A fleet management software allows you to better control the actions of your drivers and thus ensures that they drive responsibly.

But what if someone else crashes into one of your vehicles and then blames your driver for the accident? This is way more frequent than what most readers would think at first, and the perfect way of avoiding such baseless accusations is to record the scene via dashcams and rear cams.

Mobile Phone & Computer

You don’t need both a mobile and a computer, either one will work fine, although having both will be better. Most GPS fleet tracking apps, such as Fleetr, have a wide range of compatibility, allowing them to work on multiple operating systems such as Windows and Android.

Before you go on and buy a subscription with any GPS fleet tracking solution, be sure to check their app’s compatibility. Mobile apps are especially helpful because they allow you to set timely alerts and important notifications to keep you in the loop of all that is unfolding.

Moreover, people tend to carry mobile devices around much more than their laptops and computers.

If you install the app on both platforms, you can sync the data, allowing you to do the urgent stuff via your mobile device and the rest through your computer (as most people have trouble with the tiny screens).

Key Benefits Of GPS Tracking

Now that we’ve explored the equipment needed to run a GPS tracking software (which wasn’t much, as we said), here’s what such a system can do for you and why you should seriously consider getting one:

Vehicle Location Tracking

The first and foremost benefit of GPS tracking is that it helps you learn exactly where your vehicles are. Knowing the real-time location of your fleet vehicles is an under-rated privilege, but this is one of the most important team management assets that you can use in fleet management.

If managers know exactly where their drivers are, they’ll be better able to communicate with the clients about ETAs, better assign tasks to drivers, based on their location, and be able to monitor overall performance with enhanced transparency.

Real-time location tracking is even more worthy of praise because this way, you get to see exactly where your fleet vehicles are and observe them move on the map screen as the vehicles move in real-time, thus the name.

This introduces more precision to your work and thus allows you to make much better decisions concerning your fleet, such as re-routing in case of traffic issues, or communicating with your workers whenever you feel like they’ve run into some trouble.

Monitoring Driver Behavior & Ensuring Road Safety

Unsafe driving behavior causes thousands of traffic accidents across the USA, every year.

The financial losses incurred by such crashes are overwhelming, not to mention the physical and emotional toll of such events. Whatever your driver does on the street is partly your responsibility, thus in the case of an accident, the injured party can sue your company as well as the driver for their losses.

Such cases can drain thousands out of businesses, even small ones, for compensating the damages suffered by the victim.

Luckily, you can avoid all of this via GPS fleet tracking systems.

Applications like Fleetr warn managers whenever their drivers are showing recklessness of the street such as hard-pressing against the brakes, accelerating swiftly, and so on.

When you get such notifications, the rest is up to you, no need to be bossy, just let the driver know that their unsafe driving patterns reflect poorly on the company, are dangerous, create maintenance problems for the fleet vehicles, and that you can’t tolerate such behavior.

Hopefully, the worker will realize their mistake and be more careful afterward, but if you’ve seen that a certain driver continues to violate your instructions time and again despite you telling them to mend their ways, it is best to let them go than to risk bigger problems.

Statistically Significant Savings

Fleet management can help you save big, we’re not just talking about a couple of dollars the sum can be enough to help you expand your business sooner than anticipated. Yes, this is true, we’re not making it up, in fact, many businesses already have done so!

Fuel wastage, maintenance trouble, inefficient use of time, and workers doing private side gigs during job hours are some of the most important monetary drains for your business. GPS tracking can help you combat every one of these problems.

Through automated and perfectly accurate fleet data, you will be able to tell who ignored their duty and when. If someone spent much time idling, or took a suspicious detour, or did not stick to the plan, you can ask them about it.

Maintenance troubles with vehicles can create problems at the most inconvenient hours (and cause serious financial drains if the problem gets out of control), but GPS fleet tracking has got your back there as well through timely maintenance alerts and reminders.

All in all, you have much to gain from incorporating GPS fleet tracking equipment in your vehicles.

Fleetr Is Simple To Install & Operate

So far, you’ve seen that GPS fleet tracking is not as complicated as you thought initially and does not demand out-of-the-world kind of equipment. So what’s keeping you from getting your hands on a system yourself?

If you’re going to browse through the internet in search of the perfect GPS fleet tracking solution, you will be amazed by what Fleetr has to offer.

With zero contracts, no initiation fees, no hidden charges, no installation fees, and a free plug-and-play device, Fleetr seems too good to be true. But it is very much true, and thousands of businesses have incorporated the GPS fleet tracking solution into their business, and we’ve bagged much acclaim and praise for what Fleetr has managed to do.

If you wish to kick start GPS fleet tracking with just a minimal monthly rent of $9.99 per vehicle (it is literally a steal), then go ahead and contact us today.

We assure you that our system will help you get more done every day!

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