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How Vehicle Tracking Devices Can Save You Money

What if I told you there’s a way to easily save money for your fleet operation just by using a simple app and tracking device? It’s actually becoming more and more common in the industry.

According to a recent report by Verizon released this year, the adoption of fleet technology has increased by 8%, customer service improving by 54% due to fleet tracking, and 32% of businesses have now achieved a positive ROI in less than a year.

So, what does it do? It saves you money on multiple expenses and time. It helps save on big things or even the little things you may not think about!

But with Fleetr you don’t have to think, we will do that part for you so you have more time to dedicate to your business. We are here to tell you why our service, Fleetr is the best option for smaller operations and how it can help you in the long run.

What Fleetr Does

Fleetr is a software made for small-end fleet operations. We allow up to 100 vehicles to be tracked. The application uses GPS tracking to pinpoint exact locations in real-time. This means you will know where your drivers and vehicles are at all times. It also sends you back all different types of data that will help you save money! Let’s take a look at some of the data you’ll receive.

  • Diagnostics: Error messages for faulty vehicle operations.
  • Speed: Vehicle speed readings.
  • Location: Real-time vehcile location
  • Mileage: Mileage tracking for oil change and maintenance schedules
  • Fuel Efficiency: idling time, how much gas is being wasted at a pump

You’re able to set up your alerts after hours as well, so no need to stay late at work to track, you can do it from your couch! It’s three easy steps that only take 20 minutes to set up. Once you retrieve your device through the mail, plug it into the OBD II port, download the app, and then start tracking.

Where Money Will Be Saved

Now let’s get to the good stuff! Fleetr helps you save in ways you might not even realize. The biggest areas are fuel, maintenance and repairs, productivity amongst employees and managers, and administrative costs. Let’s take a look at exactly how:

  • Fuel Savings– Fleetr can get you up to $200 in savings. If your fleet has one or 100 vehicles, gas is expensive regardless. The most common causes of high fuel costs when fleets are involved are idling, aggressive driving behaviors, and wasting it at the pump. With Fleetr alerts from the data tracking system will alert drivers to shut off their engine after a certain amount of idle time passes. It will also send managers and business owners alerts about aggressive driving behavior. The GPS tracking system will also allow you to monitor how much fuel a driver uses through reports. All of this helps in cutting down your costs overall in gas.
  • Maintenance and Repair– Fleetr also helps keep those tedious repair and maintenance costs down. Alerts will be sent straight to your device if any issues arise within your fleet. The service allows you to see the status of each vehicle’s battery life, miles left until maintenance should be done, when an oil change is required, and if brake pads are wearing out.
  • Employee Productivity– The device that comes with your Fleetr subscription will allow you to track employees, verify their hours, and find out if they’re being productive or unproductive.
  • Administrative Costs-Stop wasting money on paper and ink and start having all the information you need right in your hand! It also saves you time on tedious administrative duties, let the Fleetr app handle it for you.

The website, also has a handy calculator so you can get an idea of exactly where you’ll be saving. You can add in how many vehicles you have within your fleet, employee’s pay, vehicle idle time, and miles driven. So you have comfort in seeing exactly how you save before purchasing our subscription.

We only mentioned your largest savings, you can also find more savings by finding ways to avoid tolls, help track speed, so there are no tickets or fines, and more! (indirect costs)

Safety Saves You Money

Another great aspect of the Fleetr app is it helps keep your drivers and the roads safer. Which in the end can also save you tons! By tracking aggressive driving behaviors, you could potentially put a stop to danger on the roads. Also, when employees know they are being monitored it results in safer driving.

Accidents can cost tons of money, on average $28,000, but by using a fleet tracking software many insurance companies will offer discounts to businesses, once again helping you keep costs down and keeping the roads safer.

Fleetr provides weekly reports and scoring for driver performance. Scores that are 67 and higher will be considered efficient. Scores that are 33 or under show that there are problems among your drivers that need to be worked on.

Learn More About Fleetr Today!

Are you ready to start saving with Fleetr? Join today! We represent smaller fleet operations, we ask you to only track 100 vehicles max. However, there are no minimums! You’re also able to end your contract anytime, no hidden fees. It’s affordable and easy to use! For $9.99 a month, you receive the service and the device for free! Once you have the device, just head to our website, the Apple App Store, or Google PlayStore to download, and from there you can start tracking!

  1. Head to
  2. Double-check how much you’ll save by conveniently using the Fleetr ROI Calculator
  3. Buy the subscription and receive the device for free
  4. Set up device, and start monitoring data from your fleet
  5. Start saving!

Fleetr also provides its own data plan that gives coverage across the U.S. Shipping on your device is also free. It’s time to start saving more by doing less! Let Fleetr do the tracking for you.

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